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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhang Qiyue's Comment on Ethiopia's Peace Initiative on the Border Disputes with Eritrea
2004-12-01 00:00

Q: Recently, Ethiopia put forward a peace initiative on the settlement of its border dispute with Eritrea. What comment does China have on this?

A: China has always been closely following the peace process between Ethiopia and Eritrea. We welcome the peace initiative proposed by the Ethiopian Government on the settlement of the border disputes between the two countries. China has consistently supported the two countries seek peaceful solution for their border dispute through consultation and dialogue on the basis of the Algiers Agreements. We sincerely hope they make joint efforts to remove their differences at an early date and restore their good-neighborly friendship, so as to contribute to realizing lasting peace between them and promoting the stability and development in the Horn of Africa. To this end, China is ready to make positive efforts with the international community, as what we have been doing in the past.

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